Research Facilities

The meaningful description of the nutritive value of feed ingredients requires measurement that reflects biology. Most commercially available feed analytics are proxy analyses where assumptions have to be made as to the true biological value. The Fermentrics approach was designed to minimize the degree of assumptions and has striven to marry In Vitro/In Vivo measurements in a bio-engineering approach where the application of advanced mathematical processes result in a rapid and meaningful assessment.

Fermentrics® has two licensed research barns, a cattle barn which houses Holstein and Jersey’s and a horse barn which houses Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse and Canadian Sport Horse bloodlines. Our barns are equipped to measure ethology and rates of DMI in both a group and as a single animal setting. Our environmental chamber which, when combined with a flexible diet design, leads to a highly accurate assessment of ingredients.

Agronomic Trials | Environmental Chamber | Rumination Collars | Feeding Stations | Smart Troughs (water intake rates) | Weigh Scales

Pastures (segregated) | Outdoor feeding pens with 24/7 access | CCTV (Indoor and Outdoor 24/7)
